Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Girls

I spent a weekend with my best girl-friends a few weeks ago. We've reached the point we are well aware of each others strengths and weaknesses. I know that Danielle is likely to take charge (i.e., bossy), be concerned about how all of our behavior is perceived (i.e., proper) and will nearly always put the effort in to look her best (she's so pretty ;)). Leah will be severely less adventuresome if she has her period (you know it's true), she will make us killer taco dip ("our mom") and she will yell at me for having my nose in a book ( I know, I need to kick that awful reading habit). I will always be the least fashionable (D's relief when I self-correct always makes me laugh), the least cool and the luckiest to have these girls as my friends.
We can all be self-conscious about what we see as our lesser traits, but between the three of us, our lesser traits can be as endearing as our best traits. Well, that's how I feel about them anyways. They could be plotting to out me from the group for any number of irritations. If I ever date a guy outside of their delegated age cap (i.e., within five years of me), they are definitely giving me the boot. That's beside the point, though. It's funny sometimes the things that don't irritate me about them. If other people were acting the same way, I could guarantee irritation. The difference is that no one else is as wholy perfect as my girls. I can't imagine ever finding two people who could offer me so much. A few of the perks include: a date to English fest, an ice cream buddy, four constant shoulders to cry on (Leah I don't think I would have made it through that one day without you), two smiles to cheer me on, someone to applaud me at my graduation, two wonderful families which have been so selflessly shared, so much alcohol it could take down an ape, pushing five years of friendship and more ahead.
So when I hear one of my girls doubt themselves, I am saddened. I want them to see themselves as I do. None of us are perfect, shit who wants to be friends with perfect. Perfect is irritating. We are fabulous in all our imperfections and strivings. In the past five years each of us have had accomplishments and pratfalls, but overall we are just getting better. I can't wait to see us in another five years. And in another five years, I still want us to be us. Danielle is our 'strong' leader. Leah is our mother. I'm not sure what I am yet, but we'll save that for another day.


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